Town of Ellendale recently issued the following announcement.
Regular Town Hall Meeting
04/06/2022 at 07:00 PM
Location: Ellendale Town Hall
Address: 300 McCaulley Avenue
Please take a moment to review the Decorum Policy Ordinance prior to attending meetings.
Agenda –
Regular Meeting of Ellendale Town Council
March 2, 2022
Location: Town Hall
300 McCaulley Avenue
7:00PM Regular Meeting Agenda:
1. Call to Order
2. Moment of Silence/ Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Reading & Approval of Previous Minutes
6. Treasurer’s Report
7. Police Chief’s Report
8. Town Clerk’s Report
9. Old Business
1. Committee Updates – Public Works, Sunshine, Land Use, Festival, Tree Lighting, Parade, Youth Council
2. War Memorial Presentation
3. Proclamation For Annexation: Newdale Acres – Update/ Discussion possible vote
4. Shorts Property-Final Annexation Proclamation
5. Forest Landing- Set Date for Annexation Election
6. Ingram Village Update
7. Town Hall License/ Computer System – Update
8. Lot Clearing Ordinance Update- Discussion and possible vote
9. Employee Handbook- Discussion and possible vote
10. Financial Audit- Update
11. ARPA Water Project- Update
12. Police Bank Card- Update
13. Delinquent Property Taxes- Update
14. Town Hall Hours- Update
15. 307 Willow Street Sidewalks- Update/Discussion Possible Vote
10. New Business
1. Open Space Zoning Ordinance- Discussion Possible Vote
2. Quickbooks- Discussion Possible Vote
3. Sussex County RTT Funds – Discussion Possible Vote
4. Willow Street Speed Concerns – Discussion Possible Vote
5. West Ellendale Annexation Proposal – Discussion Possible Vote
6. Town Wide Cleanup – Discussion Possible Vote
7. Spring Maintenance Needs/List
8. FOIA Filing
9. Town Council Member Job Description – Review
10. Bonding Employee and Council Members
11. Review Of Bylaws For Town Of Ellendale
11. Correspondence
12. Recognition of Visitors – At this time, anyone wishing to address the town council may do so.
13. Executive Session – Legal/Personnel Matters
14. Adjournment
Note: Pursuant to 29 Del. C. section 10004(e)(2). Agenda items as listed may not be considered in the sequence. This Agenda is subject to include additional items including executive Sessions or the deletion of items including Executive Sessions, which arise at the time of the meeting.
POSTED AT TOWN HALL ON March 30, 2022 at 6:00pm
Original source can be found here.